Donald Trump on Twitter
AT first I thought it was CRAZY. President on Twitter. And HIS TWEETS often make me wince. Terribly written. Agreed???
I’m going to address why he I think does it.
And I have 100% personal experience with this, as I used to work in TV
The news MEDIA is NOT unbiased. AT ALL.
No longer do we receive facts. A large % of “News” for YEARS is thinly disguised Opinion. And depending WHO is doing the reporting and WHO they choose to interview and WHAT they focus on, and WHAT angle the piece takes is what determines what the American Public is being fed. <<<Trump aside… THIS SHOULD CONCERN MOST AMERICANS. Your news is being filtered.
How does this happen? (Here is where first hand experience comes in) The News Media Starting at the top is Owned by, Managed by, Run by, Reported by, Edited by, Produced by, Written by, Shot by, “graphics by”, Control room run by, PEOPLE.
PEOPLE HAVE POLITICAL FEELINGS and BIAS. And that 100% GOES INTO WHAT IS SAID ABOUT TRUMP or anyone else for that matter.
Dont believe me? Take your political hat and your personal feelings for Trump aside for one second and go TRY TO FIND ME ANYTHING POSITIVE WRITTEN BY MAINSTREAM MEDIA ABOUT HIM. ANYTHING…Common sense says there should be at least ONE thing?
And if one removes the emotions, one should be VERY VERY concerned about this. Its no better than Propaganda. Right now its Liberal spun. 10 years maybe its Conservative Spun. But we are not told FACTS we are told SPIN. As long as AMERICANS KNOW THIS thats ok…But dont kid yourself that this is NEWS. They only show what they want to.
I remember when the Osama Bin Laden deal went down and they had a split screen on CNN.
The Liberal person on the left said Bush “Abandoned” all his other options.
The Conservative Person on the Right said Bush “Exhausted” all his other options.
Think about the different feel one gets from those two statements.
Twitter is his way to bypass the personalities and personal opinions and you can hear it directly from the source Trump is using his platform for good or bad without any interference or spin for anyone else.
Cant fault him for that. But you are seeing it unvarnished and direct